Workshop summaries


Introduction to WEBMAP
Mon 16 June 14.00-14.30 - Kennedy Lecture Theatre (WEBMAP workshop will then move to the Physics & Astronomy Department)
Mon 16 June 14.30-17.45 - Physics & Astronomy Department, 1st Floor , Room D105 (No.16 on map)
Convenors – Alan Penn - The Bartlett School of Graduate Studies, UCL, UK; and Nick Sheep Dalton - Georgia Regional Transportation Authority, USA
Webmap is a new web-based axial analysis application. This means that it can be used on any computer that has an up-to-date web browser and a connection to the internet. Nick Sheep Dalton, who wrote all the original space syntax analyis software, has also written Webmap and will be running the workshop. This workshop is only suitable for those with a good working knowledge of space syntax (we will not be teaching you what an axial map is!) and of computers (we will not be showing you how to wave a mouse!). Places are limited so early registration is advised.
Teaching Space Syntax
Mon 16 June
14.30-17.45 - Kennedy Lecture Theatre
Convenor - Laura Vaughan - The Bartlett School of Graduate Studies, UCL, UK

Recent flurries of activity on the space syntax mailbase have made it apparent that there is an interest in teaching space syntax – whether as a theory within a collection of theories on architectural space, whether as a design technique, or whether as a technique for analysing spatial systems, or even as a computational tool. This workshop aims to bring together in a relatively informal atmosphere, active and potential practitioners of teaching space syntax to engage in a discussion on subjects such as: theory, software, concepts, curriculum, texts, sources and any other items which emerge as being relevant.

Potential participants in this workshops are asked to submit an outline of their current teaching interests, methods and curricula (in up to 200 words). Please note that this workshop is aimed primarily at academics using space syntax in their teaching. As places are limited, initial preference will be given to applications from active practitioners (please indicate on form).
Participants will benefit from the exchange of ideas and solutions to the issues in this area and if sufficient participants wish to share their curricula, there is the possibility that ideas for a workbook or reader in space syntax will emerge from this forum.
